Week 18: Assignment 2

In week 18 of The Big Agency we went over the brief for assignment two. This assignment requires us to produce a Creative Group Video summarising key points; I will reflect on this process in my later blog posts. We are also required to use reflective theory in order to demonstrate our professional development. I have written an example below;

When working on our Brand Management assignment, Yousaf was delegated the task of drawing logo ideas whilst I typed up key theory we could use and justify our logo choices. Whilst I was typing, Yousaf was suggesting new ideas that I blankly ignored as I was trying to focus on typing up my research. I noticed that through disregarding Yousaf's remarks I had demoralised him and as a result he was not motivated to continue his work. I then immediately brought focus back to his work and praised him for the work he had contributed - as a result he continued to develop more ideas. From this experience and reflecting in action (Schon, 1991) I was able to deal with the situation immediately and prevent a more negative outcome e.g. Yousaf not completing his work, which according to Cooper (2011) is most preferable.



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